Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Free loot!

Today, not only did we dig deeper into arrays, we got a free computer bag from the school!

Which actually turned out to be of pretty high quality and stylish (I love the colours of my school).

Needless to say I was actually pretty happy! It's just what I need! And it's padded for safe laptop storage.

Since I've been digging down into arrays this passed week I had a lot of spare time during class and recess, which I spent helping out some classmates. It's nice to be of help and explaining things to people help in my learning too, so it's a win-win.

And who knows, next time it might be me who's in need of the help..? The feel in the class is really nice. It's full of kind, social, and helpful people.  It feels like we can be a good team in helping each other excel. I feel pumped for the following 2 years.

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