Sunday, September 14, 2014

Keeping up the good work

I didn't make an all new program today, instead I spent 3 hours (thus far today) working on an existing project, and I can't help but to wonder if I'm making the program unnecessarily complex. Looking at the interface intro class' code it looks like that method is way simpler. But I need to read up more on it to be able to construct something like that atm.

So, I haven't posted any memes in a few days now so I thought I'd treat you to my thoughts on this meme:
School only gives us the tools and tell us how they work, we're the one's who are supposed to figure out what to build. How else are we gonna manage working?

It probably sounds harsh for the ones struggling, especially from a n00b like me, but that's how it works. It's hard. I will probably also think it's hard, but that's how we excel and teach ourselves what to do in the future.

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