Tuesday, January 26, 2016

GlassFish hates me

Since November I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with my glassfish; I've updated it, I've changed the eclipse links jars, I've reinstalled everything and now I can't even get it to start. Every time I think I found someone with the same issue as me, the solution that worked for them doesn't work for me. At first I would just get a plain RuntimeException whenever I tried to make a new JDBC resouce in the console, but today booting up, it won't start at all after I installed the updater in NetBeans.

I don't really know what to do newt, I mean; I uninstalled and reinstalled everything but the JDK and JRE. I just wanna code! What is this? I'm not feeling the sysadmin in me today.

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